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Professional dog trainer for sport and service dogs in the UK.

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Rehabilitation program on solving dog to dog aggression

Tyson has been sent to a rehabilitation centre, for almost 3 weeks, to help him overcome aggression problems and eating issues. He has returned last night, completely changed...no signs of aggression towards dogs, no urge to try and dominate other male dogs, and no issues during feeding time! Rebecca and her pack have done and excellent job!!! Thank you so much, guys!!!!! xx

Nero was undergoing pack structure program, alone with me.. attempted few visit to the centre, where he was introduced to the pack, and started to learn socialization... He started to show some differences in behaviour a week into his program... Last night, he was introduced back with Tyson... Now, we working on bringing them back together, and teaching them to co-exist...


  1. pack rehabilitation is so important! Thanks for choosing this road!

  2. Yes, now I really understand it!!! It has made a completely new dog, out of Tyson!! And Nero, it's also changing for better...:) Hope your doing well, shame that you live so far!!!
